Writing Homework Help

SW 360 CC Late Life Adults Finding Comfort & Emotional Pressure Discussion


I have this assignment Due Tomorrow I want you please to read the questions carefully and answer it carefully. Plus I will upload a file that I did answers the questions but it was wrong so I want you to look it at but DO NOT write the answers as I wrote it please. Thank You and if there is anything else let me know.

1. Question One

Life course perspective is an approach employed to understand physical and mental health and integrates life spans and stages that determine the trajectory of health. It emphasizes a temporal perspective that looks across individual patterns of disease and experiences and strives to relate it to health. It is evident that both cumulative advantage-disadvantage is similar to life course perspective. They both assess small advancements with age, that compound to greater advantages. They also emphasize on early advantages or disadvantages that are critical in showing how cohorts shape trajectories over time. Risk factors in the life course approach are those that dwindle health and do not make it easier for one to reach his/her full potential and include: high stress levels, low grades, and violence. However, it is crucial to note that cumulative risks may or may not predict the full trajectory and can only explain social inequalities. These factors result in a social cluster, for example, children living in a terrible environment are more likely to be underweight or malnourished, and thus increasing the chances of health deficiency in adulthood. It may happen from a pathway over time that ultimately cumulates to adverse risks. Biological factors are also linked to social pathways, in that, repeated respiratory disease when younger results in school absenteeism, which later leads to smoking habits in adulthood. Adults have been known to be more resilient due to past and current socio-economic trends that later shape them. They are built to be more resilient than children because of exposure to risk factors i.e., health-damaging exposures. Research shows that more privileged individuals, in terms of socio-economic status, tend to have less health problems when older. Protective factors, on the other hand, meliorates health and contributes to healthy development and full potential. They include relationships, work opportunities, and attachment to faith. Interventions that reduce these risk factors and improve on protective factors may change the health trajectory for people and populations as well.

2. Question Two

The two special parent populations include homeless youth and youth with disabilities. A homeless parent has the risk of raising their child in a challenging environment where they lack the three basic needs, that is, shelter, food and clothing. A parent with a disability has the risk of raising their child since they lack direct educational and supportive approaches to advise them on the best way they can manage the situation. These risks, therefore, influence poor pregnancy and childbirth outcomes as both of the parents lack the proper environment that a pregnant mother requires to give birth. Social workers, therefore, need to address these concerns by offering support and skill training on the best way the parents can raise their children. Through such, they can save the community at large and create a good and conducive environment for every special parent population.

3. Question Three

Play allows a child’s brain to develop as they engage in different challenges to seek solutions for them. While playing, their body parts are in constant motion which is quite healthy for their overall physical development. Children who play can socialize with others which helps enhance their emotional growth as they can experience different emotions such as happiness. In general, they improve their social development as play teaches them how to interact with other children and solve any issues they may face. Play, therefore, plays a major role in ensuring each child’s growth and development stages are well experienced.

4. Question Four

The three types of parenting styles include authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. A child might respond to an authoritative parenting style by being obedient and following what they are told since they find it to be fair enough. They can respond to authoritarian parenting style by declining to follow instructions since they feel the harshness towards them. Lastly, a child can respond to a permissive parenting style by following closely the behavioral guidelines given by their kind parents. For instance, from the case study on Terri, children are likely to disobey parents with temper issues since their approach to parenting is not kind and welcoming to them. Generally, the socioeconomic environment can affect parenting styles by allowing parents to unleash their economic failures towards children and ruin the entire process.

5. Question Five

During middle childhood, a child undergoes massive emotional changes during their development since they experience a time when their bodies respond to emotions the most. It becomes terrible as some of them cannot control the situation. As a result, parents have to instill in them the aspects of emotional intelligence and teach them how to handle any emotional challenges they face. In the case of trauma, they need to calm down and talk to their parents for better advice on how to handle the situation. However, a child at their middle age gains more protective factors to decrease risk since they are aware of their emotions and how to control the best. For instance, from the case studies of Anthony, Jasmine and Gabriella, we learn that teens undergo different stages of emotional development in their lives which is important for the overall acquisition of emotional intelligence.

These are my answers that I wrote please DO NOT write the answers like that.