Writing Homework Help

NKU Integrate a Pre Writing Phase Before Undertaking Any Research Essay


1-Writing & Speaking Discussion (After doing the assigned reading and watching the videos discuss what you have learned and how it will aid you when writing and also when speaking to a group. Which are you more comfortable with and what will you now do based upon your learning to improve your skills in this area for your success?

Remember you must create a new thread for your post, always respond to at least two students’ posts thoughtfully, and use proper grammar and spelling. Minimal effort earns minimal points



.2- Courses & Majors Discussion( After doing the assigned reading and watching the videos discuss your interests and major plans. Who is your advisor? How many times have you met with them?

At this point, your should begin completing the Essay assignment in Week 8 which requires you to meet with your advisor.

Remember you must create a new thread for your post, always respond to at least two students’ posts thoughtfully, and use proper grammar and spelling. Minimal effort earns minimal points.


replay for student 1-(I am definitely more comfortable writing a paper than doing any type of public speaking. I have trouble keeping my thoughts together while I am speaking and I do stumble over my words when I can’t put them together. Writing allows me to correct and gather my thoughts and change it over and over until I get it right. I do have a tendency to be a perfectionist which may be why I don’t like to speak publicly.

I like the way the book and video presented the organization of the research phase of the writing process. When I took English 111 and had to write the research paper at the end that was one of my biggest issues was keeping everything organized. I found myself constantly having to go back and find the citations and remembering which articles I used for which citations. I like the idea and the way of keeping that all together)

student- 2(After doing the reading and watching the videos, I gained very helpful information. Normally when I write a paper, I start by doing research, then writing an outline based around the research, then finally writing the paper. However, in the video by Crash Course, I learned that it can be beneficial to write my first outline before doing research. At first, this seemed very counter productive, but as I listened to the explanation the strategy makes sense. By writing the outline first, you can gauge what you know and do not know better. This can also help you come up with fresh ideas, rather than recycled ideas that stem from papers others have written. Speaking in front of others, epically large groups, has always been a struggle for me. My biggest problem is stuttering while speaking. In the Tedx video, the speaker gave a tip that could really be helpful for me. That tip is to practice your speech, and to make sure that you know the material well. Having that extra confidence going into the speech will help things go much smoother. Another tip that I found helpful was to try to speak more casually. Another problem I tend to have is I sound very stilted when I am giving a speech, which makes the speech sound much less genuine and unrehearsed.

student -3 (Making choices for the courses I take and what I want to major in was kinda easy for me because I found what I want to doe for a living at a young age.Also I did have trouble figuring out what classes I need to take to reach my goals so I frequently made appointment with my advisor and go over the classes I need to take and which order will be easier for me to take them classes.Being prepared and organized can help you have a basic understanding of how your courses you are taking fulfill your college requirements,so you can figure out what you still need to do graduate.Writing down the classes you decided to take and writing down the times and days you will have them will help you keep track of when you may have free time to study and do other important things to you.Asking questions helps a lot when i’m unsure about something I used to be shy about it but I rather know then not know something so I try to ask questions so i’m 100% sure I understand what´s going on.)

student – 4(My interests have always been varied, and deciding a major was something that took time and was not easy for me to do. One interest that I have always had was electronics. My Dad raised me to fix my own devices, and that carried with me up into college. The issue was deciding what area I wanted to work in. Eventually, I decided to major in information systems technology, because I have a familiarity with repairing some electronics, and I wanted to learn more about the computers and the devices we use everyday. My advisor is Bradley Meyer, and my meeting with him for week 8 will actually be my first time meeting him. I had a different councilor before who helped me decide my current major and enroll in classes. )