Writing Homework Help

Satire and Dissection Comment about Justice Discussion


Satire and Dissection Worksheet

Part 1

In the space below, include your original satire that uses at least two humor devices to achieve its goal. Note the following requirements for each option:

  • Article: minimum of 225 words
  • Cartoon: minimum of 2 cartoons
  • Script for skit: minimum of 225 words
  • Meme: minimum of 2 memes based on issues from real events within the last week
  • Other option: consult your instructor


Part 2

Using complete sentences, answer the following questions based on your satire.

Topic and Purpose

  1. What human weakness or institution did you satirize?
  2. Why did you choose this subject as the target for your satire?
  3. What do you want your audience to think or do after reading or seeing your satire?


Identification and Analysis

  1. List at least two humor devices or techniques you used. For each device, include what is stated and what is meant.
  2. What is the tone of the satire and how do the humor devices you used affect it?
  3. Explain how each example illuminates the weakness or problem in the target of your satire.



  1. If the topic of your satire were presented as a written argument with research and proof, would it be more or less effective than your satire? In 3—4 complete sentences, explain why one form or the other would be better at illuminating the problem.