Writing Homework Help

NUR 415 Denver School of Nursing Wk 8 Affordable Care Act Poster


In order to influence policy, you have to understand how a bill is started, moves through the legislative system, and final enacted. In this assignment, you will trace a piece of legislation from introduction to how it impacts health care or nursing practice. Develop the assignment as if it will be used during a presentation at a conference or poster presentation.

Step 1: Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice.

Step 2: Develop a poster presentation, infographic, FAQ document, or pamphlet which outlines how a bill is introduced and passed by including answers the following questions:

    • State the legislation.
    • Who introduced/sponsored the bill?
    • Why did the person introduce it?
    • Where was it introduced?
    • Who helped to draft the legislation?
    • Was nursing involved?
    • Which committees were involved?
    • Was it authorized?
    • Was it appropriated?
    • Did it make it out of committee?
    • Was it enacted?
    • What is the impact on health care or nursing practice?

Step 3: Cite any sources in 7th ed. APA format.