Writing Homework Help

NRS 433V Grand Canyon University Diabetes Type II Questions


  1. Identify a nursing practice problem. This problem needs to be something that you can implement and potentially put into practice. Don’t select a topic like, “decrease nurse turnover”. That is a big problem and probably not one that can be addressed in this program. Pick a topic where you can actually make a change.
  2. A better example of a nurse practice problem might be “provide breastfeeding education to a specific unit in a specific hospital”. This is achievable and realistic.
  3. You will be developing a PICOT statement that will define your progress and everything you do in this class will build upon this PICOT.
  4. The articles that you will be looking for this first week are articles that you will be using the rest of this class. So think of your practice problem first and then go to look for articles.
  5. DO NOT select articles that are a systematic review of the literature. This is a collection of other research articles but not a specific study. Find an article that focuses on one study.
  6. This first week you will complete your information on a form that is provided in your course resources. I have provided an example of what this first assignment should look like. This is the only thing you will turn in that does not need to be in an APA formatted paper.
  7. Remember that you are looking for a total of 6 articles.Three will be qualitative and three will be quantitative.

Qualitative Research

  • This is generally about a personal view point
  • Most of the time the sample size will be very small. Often less than 20
  • It can be observation, but so can quantitative research.
  • Qualitative observation is observing the interaction between a mother and their infant
  • Qualitative results are generally written using themes. What was discovered with the interaction of the mother and infant?
  • The only numbers that are reported in qualitative research will be related to the population. How many men, women, etc.

Quantitative research

  • This is generally about finding the answer to something
  • Most of the time the sample size will be large and sometimes very large
  • Quantitative observation is generally about counting. You can observe hand hygiene but what you are doing is counting if a person washes their hands or not.
  • You can also think of observation as sitting at an intersection and looking at the cars that travel through the intersection and you are recording the color of cars. How many red cars, blue, etc.
  • The results with quantitative research are always numbers. What % difference was noted? Were there statistically significant results? Etc.

300 words