Writing Homework Help

University of California San Diego Ann Hamilton Question



Need 5 paragraph essay structured like below:

1st —–artist bio

2nd —–Her indigo blue,describle art work background, work details: what’s in it and what’s the purpose.

indigo blue: https://www.annhamiltonstudio.com/projects/indigob…

3rd —- Just copy my provided still life part in, (you do not need to write the 3rd paragraph)

4th — her privation and excess

privation and excess: https://www.annhamiltonstudio.com/projects/privati…

5th —- reflection, what you think, feel, etc (opinion paragraph, need to be strong)

conclude with your own view of whether you fond the work engaigng and enjoyable, or not, notable or merely forgettable

Please use academic sources or creditable sources.

Thank you.