Writing Homework Help

DAN 190 UM Reflection on Sound and Movement Dynamics Question


Question1. Try moving to the music of these composers:

Brian Eno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LqxN3bRkRw

Phillip Glass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M73x3O7dhmg

Max Richter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0u2wZisroU

John Cage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_8-B2rNw7s


What does it feel like to dance with a sound or music?

What does it feel like to dance against the sound or music?


Question2 : 5Rhythms practice is done to promote a connection between the body and the mind. When moving in the 5 rhythms you do not look in a mirror or at anyone else. Some people practice with their eyes closed or lowered. Your concentration is kept on how the movement feels, with no expectation of how it looks. This practice is considered to be healing or thought of as movement medicine. Each rhythm has a unique quality and purpose. In class today, turn your camera off and try moving each rhythm. Reflect on your experience.


Fluid, yielding, allowing, listening, attending to your needs, receptive, open, dropping into the moment, flexible, surrender


Percussive, strong, masculine energy, warrior energy, pulsing, stop and go, bounded, making boundaries, stepping into the world with your truth, defined, clear, powerful


Releasing, moving quickly, breaking out, going from I can’t to I will, liberation, freedom, intuitive, creative, moving large, working out


Rebirth, refresh, soulful, deep, connection to humanity, grounded and empowered


Slow motion, meditative, fusing our body experience with wisdom, dissolving, distilling, resolving, ending

Enter this link : * https://www.5rhythms.com/gabrielle-roths-5rhythms/…

Reflect: What was it like to dance with noone watching and not following anyone else? Write about your movement and experience with each rhythm. 400 words