Writing Homework Help

Who Am I Essay


Before you can get know someone else you have to know yourself!

https://openpsychometrics.org/ (Links to an external site.)

Take the Big 5 – https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/ (Links to an external site.)

The second part – you have to log in to take.

https://www.idrlabs.com/test.php (Links to an external site.)

And my favorite!!

https://iheartdogs.com/quiz-what-kind-of-dog-are-you/ (Links to an external site.)


Let’s talk about ourselves!! The assignment is on the last page!! Here are some videos

https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability?language=en (Links to an external site.)


https://www.ted.com/talks/brian_little_who_are_you_really_the_puzzle_of_personality?language=en (Links to an external site.)


What’s Your Type? | Jean Kummerow | TEDxGrinnellCollege (Links to an external site.)What's Your Type? | Jean Kummerow | TEDxGrinnellCollege

Please Describe yourself using the vocabulary from the class!! – These are all of the chapters..

Chose 4 terms from each chapter and use yourself examples for them!

https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/steve-weinert-new-textbook/modules/self-and-identity (Links to an external site.)

https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/steve-weinert-new-textbook/modules/the-psychodynamic-perspective (Links to an external site.)

https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/steve-weinert-new-textbook/modules/personality-traits (Links to an external site.)

https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/steve-weinert-new-textbook/modules/personality-assessment (Links to an external site.)