Writing Homework Help

Writing The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Reflection Analysis


Watch & Write 6 (D): The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix) S1 Eps 1-4

1. View the first 4 episodes of season 1 of “The Incredible Kimmy Schmidt” on


2. Write a reflection that is 3-5 paragraphs. Provide a brief character analysis for

Kimmy, Lilian, and Jaqueline. What are their respective positionalities? What do

each of them represent in regards to representation of women? Is there any

symbolic annihilation in this series (that you can tell so far from the first three

episodes)? This is an exercise in integrating real-world application and text in

the form of analysis and critical critique. Please include any information that

you learned, found interesting, and/or prompted you to think about the

information in a different light. I'm looking for critical thinking and not simply

a summary of the media. How did the information change or solidify your

opinions and/or way of thinking?