Writing Homework Help

Pitt Community College NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Discussion


For this assignment, you are to read the posted NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct to analyze a dilemma and use the process to solve a problem.  Below is a narrative of the dilemma:

The dilemma

Joy and Terry are co-teachers of a group of twenty 3-and 4-year-olds in a private preschool program. Joy is in her second year of teaching, and Terry has worked in the program for more than 20 years. Joy taught successfully by herself last year, and Terry’s many years of teaching were either by herself or with an assistant. They have been assigned to work as co-teachers this year because the group is larger than it has been in recent years and you (the director) believe this arrangement will best meet the needs of this particular group of children. Before the start of the school year, the two teachers met to discuss their roles in the classroom.

After the first month of school, Joy is clear that the collaboration is not going well. In her view, she is not treated like a full partner in planning the daily program and has concerns about the way Terry teaches. Terry expects that they will teach from the unit plans she has always used in her classroom. Joy thinks that some of the topics could be taught in more engaging ways, but Terry doesn’t update the materials or try to relate them to the needs or interests of the children in the group. Joy is also concerned about how Terry interacts with the children. She doesn’t listen to the children, sometimes loses her temper and yells, and often shames children as a guidance technique.

Terry often arrives at school late. She keeps her phone in her pocket and talks and sends text messages in the teachers’ classroom work area while on duty. Joy does not know the nature of the calls, but they appear to be personal and unrelated to Terry’s responsibilities at the center. When Terry is preoccupied with phone calls, Joy is left alone with the children.

Joy is committed to providing high-quality educational experiences and she cannot work effectively in this situation. She meets with Terry to share ideas about curriculum and guidance and to discuss her concerns about having full responsibility for the classroom when Terry is late or on the phone.

Terry seems to listen to Joy’s concerns, but nothing changes. Moreover, after this discussion Joy learns that Terry has been gossiping about her with families and other staff members and has posted unfavorable remarks about her on Facebook.

Joy is increasingly stressed and unhappy about the situation. She is thinking about quitting and finding a job in a more congenial program, but she does not want to give up. She has good relationships with the children, some of whom are very attached to her. Joy does not want them to feel abandoned, and she does not want to leave them behind with Terry.

Joy asks to meet with you (the Director) for help.  What will you do?

After reading and rereading the above dilemma, you will need to use the recommended systematic steps in applying the code to the dilemma.  The steps you will need to thoroughly answer are these:

1. Identify the problem and determine whether it involves ethics: For this part, determine if this is an ethical problem or a moral problem (see page 33 in your text).  Break down the problem into 2-3 sentences.
2. Identify the stakeholders affected by this situation: Who is being affected by this problem? Families? Children? Various Staff Members?  Provide each an every person that can be affected by this dilemma;
3. Brainstorm possible resolutions: What could you, as the Director suggest to help these two work through their differences? What are some strategies you might employ?
4. Consider ethical ?nesse. You can include this with questions 4, but how would you make sure everyone’s needs were met, without a major disruption to care.
5. Look for guidance in the NAEYC Code: We know, above all, that the following Principal to Children must be upheld:

    P-1.1—Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children. This principle has precedence over all others in this Code.

Look through the Principles  Responsibilities and Ideals to Children, Families, Colleagues and provide 1-4 principles and/or ideas for each that could be affected by this Dilemma. For example, this dilemma impacts children based on the idea 

Responsibilities for Children

I-1.5—To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions. 

6. Identify the most ethically defensible course of action, remembering that protection of the children is of utmost importance.