Writing Homework Help

Midnight Rising Analytical Review


Midnight Rising

John Brown’s Raid Monograph Essay

The Assignment:

The purpose of this writing assignment is to analyze and effectively communicate information through written format using the required monographs.


  • Evaluate, summarize, and analyze the contents of the books.
  • Make clear, by frequent reference to the author(s) of the book, that you are presenting the author(s) views, not yours.
  • You must offer textual evidence for every point you make about the monographs. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to put a simple parenthetical page citation after you comment. This also shows me the thoroughness with which you read the monographs and forces you to return to the work to make sure you are fairly representing the author’s comments.


  • Typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins
  • 550-850 words (minimum-maximum)
  • Correct use of APA citation method for cover Page, book citation, and parenthetical reference citations


Turnitin.com will be utilized for textual similarity review for the detection of plagiarism. Papers submitted for grading that include plagiarized materials will result in a failing grade.

Keep in Mind

In addition to clarity, style, and organization, papers will be graded on the sophistication (third person, no contractions, etc..) and creativity of arguments and analysis. Organize, spell check and carefully proof all of your work. Good organization, syntax, grammar, and spelling are crucial to effective communication and, as such, are a component of you grade.

Introduction Paragraph

  • Give the title the monograph and name of author (full name here with subsequent references to the family name only for the rest of the paper).
  • Identify author’s credentials – profession/importance in field.
  • Include the author’s thesis.

Body Paragraphs

  • 1st Paragraph
    • Include information of John Brown’s life, beliefs and the raid.
    • Explain how his life, beliefs and the raid support/prove the author’s argument.
    • Provide textual evidence from the monograph with in-text citations.
  • 2nd Paragraph
    • Critique the author’s thesis that John Brown’s Raid was “the raid that sparked the Civil War.”
      • Did the author support/prove his argument? Explain by providing specific examples from the book. (Remember you are trying to convince me you read the entire book.)
    • Provide textual evidence from the monograph with in-text citations.


  • Write a conclusion paragraph that briefly tells the reader what you wrote about in your essay and your overall findings. A conclusion paragraph provides intellectual closure for the reader. There is some redundancy in a conclusion paragraph, but it still is essential to provide closure in a skillfully written essay.
  • Remind your readers of the importance of the topic and provide a final assessment of the monograph and its potential impact on United States society today.
  • Make a recommendation about the type of reader likely to enjoy or benefit from the work.