Writing Homework Help

WR 121 UOFM Contribution of Globalization to Climate Change and Ecology Essay


This is an essay!!

Write in essay format. This is not a question!!

In approximately 1500 words, you will make your claim in enthymeme form and then support the reasoning behind your claim using evidence from this course.

*Note: this is not a research course, please do not seek out supporting evidence outside of course materials. Your question should be answerable with support from one or more of the readings assigned in weeks 6 (plus Massey). You may also add support from your personal experience, in life, in school, in relation to your major or other course work, or something in relation to peer discussions in class and on Canvas. This draft should include no fewer than five unique pieces of evidence to support your claim.

Your essay should have a compelling title, should follow MLA formatting to the best of your ability, and should include a Works Cited page (not part of the word count).

Criteria for Completion:

  • Title
  • Question at issue + original claim in enthymeme form (both should be clearly presented in the first paragraph and should be your original question + claim)
  • Counterargument (objection + rebuttal in 1-2 paragraphs)
  • No fewer than 4 pieces of evidence from assigned reading(s)
    • 3+ from the assigned essays by Whitty, Cole, or Horning
    • 1+ from the assigned essay by Massey
    • Reading list:
  • Whitty, Julia. “All the Disappearing Islands.” Globalization: A Reader for Writers. Ed. Maria Jerskey. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. 62-74. [Identity + Place]
  • Cole, Teju. “The White Savior Industrial Complex.” Globalization: A Reader for Writers. Ed. Maria Jerskey. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. 210-218. [Communication + Tech.]
  • Horning, Rob. “The Accidental Bricoleurs.” Globalization: A Reader for Writers. Ed. Maria Jerskey. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. 229-239. [Communication + Tech.]
  • Optional: 1 (or more) piece of evidence from personal knowledge, experience, or anecdotes—see the Types of Evidence handout in Week 4 module for details on what constitutes acceptable sources. Remember: this is not a research course.
  • Works Cited page (MLA format)—review the MLA guide on Purdue OWL for specific guidelines on how to properly cite your sources, as well as the handouts in Canvas for help with crafting your list.
  • Proper length, formatting, and submission file type (docx/pdf)