Writing Homework Help

UMMC Disasters and Nature Real Crisis Event Essay


1. All disasters are local. Using an example of a real crisis event, explain why you agree or disagree?

Students are to choose ONE from the following questions to answer. Your response to the chosen question should be roughly 600 to 900 words. No references and citations needed. Each question is worth 50 points.

2. There are several psychological factors that can impede effective crisis communication. A) Identify and explain four of these factors and discuss how each will hinder effective communication during a crisis. B) For each of the identified factors, explain how emergency management officials can address them in order to ensure effective communication.


3. There are two approaches of risk and crisis communication that communicators can adopt: the dialogue-centered and the technology-centered approaches. Discuss three advantages and three disadvantages of approach? In your opinion, which of the two approaches was used during tCOVID-19 pandemic under president Trump’s administration? What evidence do you have to support your answer? Finally, do you think a combination of the two approaches will lead to a better result? Why? 


4. Uncertainties and ambiguities during crisis can seriously undermine effective crisis communication. Explain the causes of uncertainty and discuss how uncertainty can undermine effective crisis resolution. Also, discuss how crisis communication officials can reduce uncertainties among the public?