Writing Homework Help

Stetson University What Is Interpersonal Communication Discussion


I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

Please take a few minutes to watch this very informative video that asks the question, “What is Interpersonal Communication?”

After viewing this video, please consider your own life and how you think studying this subject is relevant to your life experience. This does not need to be lengthy – a paragraph or two will suffice. Consider the question, “What relationship(s) in my life might improve as my interpersonal communication skills improve?” and reflect on that here. Think about your own personal relationships that are challenged or strained…. or think of areas in your life that you know you struggle with in terms of communication breakdowns. Do you have someone in your life where there is a misunderstanding – or a relationship that you would like to see improved? You do not need to share very personal information – just general information that starts “the ball rolling” in terms of you incorporating this thinking into your everyday life and how it applies to you personally.