Writing Homework Help

Houston Community College System Do Androids Have a Mind of Their Own Discussion


Discussion: Can Androids Have a Mind?

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Learn to express your ideas clearly and concisely in writing.

Practice critical thinking by applying philosophical theories

Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and arguments in Philosophy of Mind

Become aware of diverse viewpoints through discussion with classmates.


The last couple weeks, you have thought about theories in Philosophy of Mind (dualism, mind/body identity theory, behaviorism, or functionalism) and what these theories would say about whether sophisticated androids can have minds. This is your chance to give your own argument, and discuss with your classmates.  It helps to use details such as referring to books, movies or television shows to explore this question. Some suggestions would be Ex Machina, I Robot, Chappie, Terminator, Short Circuit, etc. An excellent example would be Lt. Commander Data from Star Trek the Next Generation. For more information, see Can Androids have Minds?

Assignment Instructions: 

  • Write a few paragraphs supporting your argument for why an artificially intelligent android could or could not be considered to have a “mind.” About 500 to 600 words will be sufficient.
  • 1. Very briefly summarize the most important details of your sci-fi example. 
  • 2. Give your own argument for why an android COULD or COULD NOT be considered to have a “mind.” Give details. What kinds of criteria must an android meet to be considered to have thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions, etc?
  • 3. Use a theory in Philosophy of Mind to support your argument.  It may be that more than one theory would support your position (Dualism, Behaviorism, Mind-Brain Identity Theory, and Functionalism).