Writing Homework Help

Western Governors University The My Lai Massacre History Question


You need to have a clear thesis statement that makes an argument. You cannot simply say “In this essay I will discuss the Second Red Scare.” You need to connect people and events to prove your thesis. You need a conclusion. While there is no set length for the essay, you need to cover the information and thoroughly explain. You need to prove your thesis. Don’t just give a list of people or events. You must explain who or what they were and how they are connected.

Will there is not a requirement for page length/word count, I would expect you to need at least 3-4 pages double-spaced to cover it/1000 words. Some people are very concise when they write, and others are not. I have had great essays that are 2 pages and horrible essays that are 10 pages long! Please make sure everything needs to be in your own words and use the information from the textbook – but do not just use quotes from the textbook or outside. Since it is creating analytical essays. Just need a thesis and evidence to support the thesis. Does it make sense?

Discuss the Vietnam War. Use the textbook and lectures.

I would divide this into three sections. Eisenhower/Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon.

Why was the US involved? What was the role of colonialism/decolonization? What was happening with France? How did the Cold War and the aftermath of the Korean War and the fact that communists took over in China affect US involvement in Vietnam?


Geneva Accords

Viet Cong

Ho Chi Minh


Military Asst Advisory Group

Strategic Hamlet program

Agent Orange

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

New Left

Opposition to the war? Black Panthers, MLK, draft resistors etc.

Tet offensive


My Lai Massacre

Cambodia/Khmer Rogue

Pentagon Papers

War Powers Act
