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St Petersburg College Leadership Discussion Responses


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Post A) 

There are many people I work with who have been working with the company/ at our specific site for 10+ years. One person I would hope to be as great as a leader of, would be my coordinator.  Her leadership style follows the transformational leadership style. She is committed, involved, and is able to easily inspire positive changes. She is energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate (Cherry, 2020). I feel as though this would be my leadership style as well. Leaders are not always managers and managers do not always lead. There are most definitely often situations were managers/ supervisors/ coordinators are not leading, and I have seen it first hand at work. Whether it is due to being in the position for a while and being stuck in their old ways, or just simply not liking their job, it really is so important for a manager to be a leader possess a certain leadership style. A manager can avoid being a “bad manager” by being a real leader. There are four different components which can be applied for effective transitional leadership and management: intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. Intellectual stimulation allows followers to explore new ways of doing things and new opportunities to learn (Cherry, 2020). Individualized consideration offers support and encouragement individually. This helps keep a great relationship with a coworker, and allows them to feel comfortable coming to talk to you. Inspirational motivation will help a follower fulfill their goals. Lastly, idealized influence means a leader will serve as a role model for followers (Cherry, 2020). 

Post B)

I remember walking in for my first interview since moving to Florida. I sat in the lobby of this small hospital and a beautiful Puerto Rican woman, in a cream business suit and high heels, come out and look around. She then said my name out loud, and I was completely put at ease just by the sound of her voice. As soon as we got to her office you could tell how family oriented and inviting, she was just by the atmosphere. She hired me on the spot. I was able to relax, and her interview style was more conversational and inviting. Until this day she is/was my favorite manager. She led the Respiratory Therapy department so well and had a great relationship with the whole team. This is the type of leader I am striving to become.

Leaders push the team in a positive direction and have an outlook for the future. Managers on the other hand are task specific about what needs to be done and when. Managers look at the here and now instead of focusing on the future. Leaders push people to be the best person possible. Managers don’t always lead because their focus is tasks instead of patients, and staff.

It is said that when employees leave, they don’t leave their job they leave their managers. Some traits to avoid being a bad manager include the inability to build a relationship with your staff, taking credit for others work, micromanaging, and inability to trust. All these traits make employees seek a leader. Leaders are always welcoming; I would love to be an effective leader.