Writing Homework Help

ACC 571 DU Accounting Software Package Consultants Memorandum


This course has a Group Course Project due at the end of Week 6. The course project involves the design and creation of a chart of accounts, design of a general journal and general ledger. The course project also reinforces the basic principles of accounting and the application of the accounting system. This course project also encourages students to collaborate and also research an accounting software package and provide a recommendation to their client company. Your groups have been set up by your instructor. Go to the People tab and then select groups to see which group you are assigned to. See the week 1 Course Project assignment for more details on what must be accomplished.

Overview & Guidelines

This course project has 9 requirements for the group to complete. The course project is due at the end of Week 6. See Syllabus/ “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams for due date information.

The course project narrative has all of the information you will need to complete the project.

  • Detailed project instructions with requirements
  • A reference list of June transactions.
  • A grading rubric to help explain what is expected.
  • Each team member needs to download:
    • the word document named Acct 571 Course Project.docx
    • The Excel worksheet names Acct 571 Course Project Student Excel Template.xlsx, and the
    • ACC 571  Team Communication Form.xlsx
    • The documents and worksheets are located in the Files Section of the course menu.

To complete the Course Project:

  • In Week 1:
  • During the first six weeks, complete Requirements 1-8 on the excel template
  • Write a 1-page memo (see Additional Requirements below) to the client regarding the recommendation of accounting software that is more suitable for their business needs rather than this manual system.
  • Type your work directly into your worksheets, except for the memo (Word Document)
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the creation of your chart of accounts and general journal and ledger.
  • Team Leaders don’t forget to submit your assignment by the end of Week 6.

Additional Requirements

Once you have completed the accounting cycle for the project, you will need to compose a one-page memo to your client regarding the acquisition of an accounting software package for their organization. You will want to convey the benefits of choosing an accounting package for their organization.