Writing Homework Help

COMM 209 GWU Communication and Society Discussion


Your task is to select any media text (TV show, documentary, movie, advertisement, newspaper or magazine article, etc.) and analyze it according to its meaning. I suggest finding some specific things to analyze. For example, an episode of a TV show (or commercial, movie, or documentary) is more suitable for this thesis than a season or series. You should also include one or more illustrations, such as images, when they are relevant to your point of view and help express your point of view (if you’re discussing an advertisement, it’s best to include an image or video; for an episode of a TV show, include Still images and/or clips). Don’t forget, this assignment is not about writing traditional movie/TV series reviews—it is an exploration of the dialectical relationship between media, public discourse and power relations.

The length of the article needs to be 1000-2000 words.

While analyzing the media text, some concepts need to be discussed such as: Priming,Framing,Indexing,The CNN effect,The mass media,Culture industries,Culture,Third-person effect(at least 3)

Focus on interpreting the meaning and representation in the form and content—”signifier and signified.” You should always keep power relations—class, race, gender—in mind when analyzing the signifier and signified.

Your analysis should have a clear and unified idea. Try to avoid providing a series of scattered observations; instead, try to connect your ideas together and focus on specific points that are related to each other. Try to identify patterns, changes, and continuity from the perspective of social, cultural, political, and economic context/relationships and ask the question of “then what?”

How will your work be evaluated? Most importantly, on how well you articulate the text’s meanings, even if they are fairly obvious. Also on how well you described the text and make clear its significant parts. Also important: having a clear argument about the text. You should also always try to write clearly and concisely; edit and polish your writing.

Style/presentation: Please make sure that all your written assignments should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font and double spaced. You can use any citation style you want, but make sure to cite others’ work where appropriate. Please include your name and a title. The goal of writing a title is to be able to creatively and concisely communicate what you’re writing about; don’t use the name of the assignment as your title.