Writing Homework Help

San Diego State University HIV Related Stigma and Discrimination Aesthetic Journal


Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. The first document attached is the instructions and the second document is an example just in case.

Art has shaped how we think about AIDS and has pushed AIDS activism forward in exciting and agitating ways. This aesthetic journal asks you to consider artistic representations of HIV, living with HIV, stigma and HIV, and HIV broadly. Students will select a piece of art and write 750-1000 words which reflect on the modes and means of representation and the connection between the art and course themes. Use proper grammar, spelling, and citations. These are meant to be argumentative essays the bulk of your journal should be your thesis and support for your thesis. Do not spend the entire journal describing the art and/or the artist.

  • 750-1000 Words
  • A brief contextualization of your art piece (100 words maximum)– when was it produced? Who produced it? What was the contextualization of the artist? What is their HIV status?
  • Make an argument with a thesis about the relevance and importance of the art – what is it trying to say? How does it propel or shift political or social attitudes about HIV?


Include one in-text citation for every body paragraph

Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions

No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg

Please use scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.

Please be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis statement and conclusion

Requirements: 750-1000 words Times New Roman Size 12 Double-Spaced APA Format | .doc file