Writing Homework Help

Florida Agricultural Compare and Contrast Long Term Care Interview Discussion


Your written report will be a minimum of 15 pages in length total do not to include the cover or reference pages. Your paper should be professionally written in an acceptable style, with double spaced, 12-point appropriate font. Scoring for this assignment will take into account the content of the paper, the requirements of the assignment, and any obvious spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation errors. The format of your report is your choice. You may choose to separate all three interviews and write them individually or write your interviews collectively in one overall report.  

Your written assignment should include the following elements:

Compare and contrast each interview-

What was similar about the interviews?

What was dissimilar?

Were there any unanswered questions?

What item(s) stood out to you?

What information if any would help you in starting or expanding your own geriatric care management agency?

What are your thoughts regarding Long Term Care both in today’s market and in the future?