Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Rise of Mental Illness in Our Society Presentation


Step 1.Like our first discussion, return to Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)and find an area of interest. https://health.gov/healthypeople

Step 2. Click on “Browse Objectives by Topic” and choose an area of interest. ( I chose, in Populations, Children) You can use ANY of the segments (Health Conditions/Behaviors/Populations/Systems and Settings/Social Determinants)

Step 3.Then scroll in you area to further refine the AREA AND GOAL. (I chose Child and Adolescent Development) See how many areas there are to choose from!? You have many choices in all categories so have fun and find something you are passionate about! YOU DO NOT NEED TO PICK CHILDREN!! YOU CAN PICK FROM ANY AREA.

Step 4. Then I chose my goal in the children section, EMC 01 Improve the proportion of parents who use positive communication with their child.

FOR THE ASSIGNMENT you need to create 4 powerpoint slides:

1. A title slide with your name and topic.


3. A slide with a background of Why is this important to health? You may need to look that up! for example, if your area was smoking you might look up “smoking and cancer” to get more data. You must have one fact why this is an important goal. How does it impact people? Why did you pick it?

For mine, I googled, “early communication and health” and found resources on why learning to communicate in childhood helps later health. If you pick, say STDs, you may google “rate of STDs” to show us how prevalent it is. If you pick mental health, you could site suicide rates or discuss how much mental health costs our economy. The choices are endless, just show us two examples of how YOUR CHOSEN problem impacts our health and society.

4. Reference slide

In summary and hints: Create 4 powerpoint slides using my exact titles then fill in with your topic information.

*1 Title (5pts) (Make you own-do not use mine!!)

*2 Healthy People Objective. You MUST have the number of your objective and the number written out. Mine is (Populations,>Children>EMC 01) so I put that in and then wrote it out. (10 pts) I need this to look up your work.

*3. Background of you problem/goal. Have TWO reasons why the objective is important to health and you picked it .(5)You MUST have at least one reference here of how your problem relates to health with facts!(3) At the end, list the goal from the HP page.(2) (10 pts total)

* 4. References (5 pts)