Writing Homework Help

Middle East College Work of Islamic Art in a Museum Collection Essay


This essay is intended to evaluate your ability to apply the ideas in the assigned article by Blair and Bloom to a visual and conceptual analysis of an Islamic work of art in one of the museum collections discussed in the article. Links to the museum collections are:

https://www.mia.org.qa/en/collections (Links to an external site.)

https://www.miaegypt.org/en-us/museum/collection/C… (Links to an external site.)

https://www.khalilicollections.org/islamic-arts/ (Links to an external site.)

https://asia.si.edu/collection-area/arts-of-the-is… (Links to an external site.)

https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/keywords/islamic-ar… (Links to an external site.)

https://collections.lacma.org/search/site/?front=1… (Links to an external site.)

https://www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/dyn… (Links to an external site.)

https://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/islamic-middle-e… (Links to an external site.)

https://www.louvre.fr/en/explore/the-palace/an-int… (Links to an external site.)

http://islamicart.museumwnf.org/pc_entrance.php (Links to an external site.)

http://www.smb-digital.de/eMuseumPlus?service=Exte… (Links to an external site.)

http://islamicart.museumwnf.org/pm_museum_items.ph… (Links to an external site.)


  •           Read the following article by Bloom, Jonathan and Sheila Blair, “A Global Guide to Islamic Art,” (Links to an external site.)Saudi Aramco World Online.
  •           Choose a work of Islamic art in one of the collections discussed in the article. Your work must be created before the year 1800 by an artist(s) working in a Muslim society.
  •           Write an essay in response to the following prompt:

First, to prepare for your analysis, make a list of the ways in which Blair and Bloom define “Islamic art” in the article. Then, choose a work of Islamic art from one of the museum collections they discuss. Study it carefully. In your opinion, how does your work represent “Islamic Art”? Discuss the ways in which the visual and formal elements of the work express beliefs, traditions, or values important to Islam or Muslim cultures, people(s), societies, or individuals.