Writing Homework Help

Colorado State Global Campus Hurricane Sandy Natural Disaster Paper


Topic: Hurricane Sandy 

Review and select a natural or man-made disaster that struck the United States that required the response of local, state, and federal governments, private sector, and volunteer organizations.

Discuss and evaluate the application of the four disciplines of emergency management and communications. Finally, discuss and assess the future effects and influence of this disaster on the implementation of emergency management.

Portfolio Project Sections:

  • Type of disaster: Choose a natural disaster that required local, state, and federal response efforts.
  • Mitigation tools and impediments to mitigation;
  • Preparedness efforts (local, state, and federal governments; and volunteer groups, or non-governmental organizations);
  • Response efforts (local, state, and federal governments; and volunteer groups, or non-governmental organizations);
  • Recovery efforts (local, state, and federal governments; and volunteer groups, or non-governmental organizations);
  • Communications for response efforts, and the various methods of communication to the affected populations; and
  • Future effects and influence on the implementation of emergency management.