Writing Homework Help

University of Toronto Marketing Campaign of Coca-Cola Communications Critique


I’m stuck on a Communications question and need an explanation.

Pick an example of an online advertising effort or marketing campaign released in 2015 or later and critique their effort. Here are some questions to get you started, however please feel free to add some of your own:

  • Who is their target audience?
  • What are they trying to advance?
  • When did you see this campaign, and where?
  • What techniques did they use?
    • Do you believe they were effective?
      • Why/why not?

You must do further research on this campaign – your own opinion can be included, but that alone isn’t particularly relevant or interesting. Any campaign that had some impact has generated chatter in advertising blogs, social media, etc. – include what others said about the campaign, and any outside analysis/statistics about the campaign that are available. Please note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.  Please use APA format for all of your work in this class including discussion posts where research is required.  You must include a SMART goal – more information will be given in class regarding this piece.This will be a short piece (4-5 pages double spaced, not counting images) which should be included to provide context and help with recognition.