Writing Homework Help

California State University Loneliness in Homebound Older Adults Essay


I need an explanation for this Literature question to help me study.

What was the primary concept of interest?

  1. In your opinion, did the authors make a strong case for the importance of examining this concept and for their review of literature in general?

In your opinion, did the authors present their literature search strategy in such a way that it could be replicated?

  1. How is the review both similar to and different from the systematic review of the literature your read for the last class?
  2. Comment on whether or not you were able to identify the following in the Results and, if so, provide an example of each:
  3. trends & patterns
  4. themes
  5. debates & conflicts

pivotal publications

  1. gaps in the literature
  2. Do you think the authors drew connections and relationships among their sources in the Results? Why or why not?