Writing Homework Help

Please write your own words


This is an example of the kind of interview you should do with your classmate. You can ask similar questions.

A. Watch the video 0:00-7:05.

Only watch the first 7 minutes. Then create a timeline of Andy’s story below. Write the events of the story in order. The first events in the story have been written for you.


1. He wrote the address of his student incorrectly.

2. He went to an unsafe part of town, and he couldn’t find his student’s house.

3. Some teenage boys saw him.










B. Follow-up questions

Now watch the rest of the video 7:05-33:19. What follow-up questions does Brittany ask? Write at least 10 questions below. The first three questions have been written for you.

1. How did you feel during that experience?

2. Did they have any weapons?

3. Do you remember what any of them looked like?










C. Complete the Table

Complete the question chart with details about Andy’s experience.

Question Your Notes

D. Answer the questions.

  1. How does the interview begin?
  2. How does the interview end?
  3. What was funny or interesting about Andy’s story? Write at least three things.
  4. What did you learn from watching this interview? Write at least three things.

E. Choose your favorite quotes

Below is a list of quotes from this interview.

  1. Which quotes would be the most useful for a news article? Choose 3-5 of your favorite quotes and explain why you like them.
  2. Which quotes would you NOT use? Why?
    1. “So first of all before we get started, can I just ask, is it ok that I record this?”
    2. “My name is Andy Williamson.”
    3. “. . . I had written the student’s address down incorrectly. And I was actually heading towards a really dangerous part of town.”
    4. “It wasn’t safe for tourists or people not from Bogota.”
    5. “I was wandering backwards and forwards along this street.”
    6. “A group of teenagers had seen me wandering around looking lost and they started to walk towards me.”
    7. “I kind of realized what was going to happen.”
    8. “And I started edging my way towards the main street . . .”
    9. “And I pleaded with them to let me keep my phone because it was a really cheap one. . . .It had all my numbers on there.”
    10. “So I pleaded with them and they agreed with me. They looked at the phone and they decided it wasn’t worth anything. So they gave it back to me.”
    11. “And at that point some of the people in the houses along the street had heard all the noise and had come to their windows.”
    12. “And then the people in the windows started to shout to the boys to leave me alone.”
    13. “And so I started shouting up the street, ‘Please, can I have my keys back? I won’t be able to get into my house.’”
    14. “And the people in the windows who were watching everything going on started shouting with me, ‘Yeah, give him back his keys.You don’t need his keys.’”
    15. I asked him, “How did you feel during the experience?”
    16. “I was more worried about my keys and my visa than I was about my safety.”
    17. “Did they have any weapons? Did you see any?”
    18. “In Bogota, it definitely made me more aware of my surroundings like more nervous going out on the streets . . It made me more cautious and more alert.”
    19. “If I had it to do over again I wouldn’t have gone up the street because I was walking through that area thinking to myself this doesn’t look right.”
    20. “I should have just called the student and asked him to check the address.”