Writing Homework Help

The Effects of Divorce Discussion


The dissolution of a marriage is a complex and multi-faceted process that has an impact on all the members of the family. Divorce, in some form, exists in virtually every culture, though the process and incidence vary considerably. Currently, the only countries that do not allow divorce are the Philippines, the Vatican City, and the British Crown Dependency of Sark. Several countries only legalized divorce in the fairly recent past – Chile (2004), Ireland (1996), Colombia & Paraguay (1991), Spain (1981), and Italy (1970) to name a few. As a general trend, the incidence of divorce has been rising over the last decades, particularly in developed countries. Researchers debate about the exact nature and severity of the effects of divorce, primarily because many of the causative factors differ in families.

Post a thoughtful discussion addressing the following:

  • What are your thoughts on the material you read and watched? What did you agree with? What did you disagree with? Be specific.
  • Was there anything in the material that surprised you? Explain.
  • How does the older material (e.g., the article from 1995) contrast with the information in the more current readings and videos? Are the conclusions still relevant?
  • What do you think are the major effects of divorce on the members of the family?
  • What role does culture play in the process and the effects of divorce?
  • Feel free to share personal experiences to the extent you are comfortable doing so.

After posting your initial response, please respond to two of your peers by the posted due date.

