Writing Homework Help

Week 7 Public Billboard Service Population and Human Needs Powerpoint


Public Billboard: Part 3

In order to reach their desired service population, and to have the greatest impact on addressing human needs, there will be times when it is necessary for human service agencies to market their services. The basis for this assignment is to give students the experience of marketing social services, by compiling critical information about a social issue, in a succinct way.

You are expected to create an original public billboard, to bring public awareness to the issue discussed on your final paper (note: final paper attached below).

For your billboard – you will need to determine your target audience (i.e. general public, special interest group, policy maker, population affected by the issue, etc.). Once you have identified your target audience, you should then proceed to creating your media.

Public Billboard – you are to create a billboard that brings awareness to the issue. You can create the billboard using PowerPoint or Microsoft Word.