Writing Homework Help
Indigenous Film Making in Cultural Contexts Essay
Assessment Task 2: Indigenous Film-Making in Cultural Contexts
Depth of engagement with narrative, characterisation, cinematography, sound, or other relevant cinematic techniques 25%
Understanding of the social, cultural, and/or historical contexts for the film(s) chosen, including depth of background research around Indigenous identities 45%
Development of argumentation, coherenc of written expression, and comprehension of chosen task option 20%
Accuracy, consistency, and relevance of scholarly referencing 10%
Option 1 Critical Essay
This essay requires a response to the following question: how do two films from Block II of Global Cinema (i.e. Samson & Delilah, Vai, Waru, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Kuessipan) reveal, explore, and/or provide a critical perspective on cultural identities and cultural differences? This question is deliberately broad to allow you to combine different films in original ways.
Option 1 requires engagement with at least three Required or Recommended Readings from Block II of Global Cinema. Readings on the Indigenous Australian Film-Makers (Further Resources) page can also be used to meet this requirement. Please remember that critical essays need to demonstrate an understanding of the authors/works cited, including similarities or differences between authors’ arguments.