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CMRJ 203 AMU Week 8 Policing Discussion Questions


Question 1

Compare and Contrast community-oriented policing with traditional policing.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of community-oriented policing.

How has the implementation of community-oriented policing affected neighborhood crime?

Question 2  

In Problem-Oriented Policing (POP), what are the four steps in the problem-solving process?

Create a hypothetical scenario involving a deadly batch of heroin that is making its way through your community in which you employ the four steps in the problem solving process.

Question 3  

What is the primary objective of CompStat?

What are the four key principles of the CompStat Model? Can CompState be used to combat terrorism? Why / Why Not?

Question 4  

What are the four key objectives in the transformation of local police agencies into intelligence-led organizations?

Intelligence-led policing is often viewed as a management tool instead of a crime reduction strategy. Explain how the use of intelligence led policing can reduce crime in a neighborhood with high rates of burglaries.