Writing Homework Help

St Thomas University Powerful Women in Yisrael Discussion


I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Women in Yisrael/Judaism

The Tankh/Old Testament of the Bible shows some very powerful Yisraelite women.
Write a brief exposition of the most significant, powerful, forceful, or dramatic action (or series of actions)
that the Yisraelite/Jewish woman did in the passage(s) indicated below.

1Miriyam (Exodus 15).

2Devorah (Judges 45).

3Yael (Jael) (Judges 45).

4Yudit (Judith) (Yudit 1013).

5Huldah (2nd Kings 22 & 2nd Chronicles 34).

6Hadassah (Esther)