Writing Homework Help

Walden University Performance Appraisals in Development and Evaluation Discussion


Post an explanation of an organization that might use performance appraisals. Then, explain how the use of information collected in a performance appraisal might differ for developmental versus administrative purposes within that organization. Finally, explain how performance appraisal results should be communicated to the employee as well as to management. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to justify your post.


Barr, M. A., & Raju, N. S. (2003). IRT-based assessments of rater effects in multiple-source feedback instruments. Organizational Research Methods, 6(1), 15–43.
DeNisi, A. S., & Kluger, A. N. (2000). Feedback effectiveness: Can 360-degree appraisals be improved? Academy of Management Executive, 14(1), 129–139.
Naquin, C. E., & Tynan, R. O. (2003). The team halo effect: Why teams are not blamed for their failures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(2), 332–340.
Rynes, S. L., Gerhart, B., & Parks, L. (2005). Personnel psychology: Performance evaluation and pay for performance. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 571–600