Writing Homework Help

Bowie State University I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Discussion


I need a Rhetorical Analysis essay drafted. My topic is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream Speech”. The essay is revolved around that. As you are drafting, consider how you are supporting your claims about the text. Refer to specific moments in the text (use quotes and other concrete details) as evidence for your explanation of how the writer/composer/producer uses rhetorical strategies. At the same time, consider the balance between description and analysis in your writing. Describe the text in order to make your argument, but remember that your job is not to summarize the text for your readers. Your job is to evaluate the text by analyzing these details and making an argument about their rhetorical effect.Analyze the way the text uses rhetorical effects and strategies to make its argument or point. Use specific textual evidence to establish a general argument (i.e., thesis) about how the text “works.” You should not simply paraphrase or summarize what the writer/composer says or composes; rather, your goal is to provide a way of understanding the measure of persuasive effect by analyzing the rhetorical situation.