Writing Homework Help

Week 5 Student Debt Discusison Post


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

For this discussion, you will develop one BODY paragraph of your research paper. Your paragraph will begin with one of the topic sentences from your sentence outline. (Feel free to revise the topic sentence if you think it would be beneficial.) It will then provide major and minor details to develop the idea in the topic sentence. Consider where evidence from your sources will help support your ideas, and make sure you comment on the evidence to show how it supports the topic sentence. Post your paragraph here.

Guided response (by Sunday):

Choose a paragraph posted by one of your peers. Then find an example of evidence used in the paragraph and consider it in light of the reading on Using Evidence. What characteristics of weak or strong evidence, or of effective or ineffective quotation do you observe? Please be constructive in your comments, so that if you find areas for improvement, you point them out respectfully and include suggestions for more effective use of evidence.

Week 5, Discussion 2: Semi-Colons and Colons

Post a sentence from your own writing that uses a semi-colon or colon OR post a sentence from your own writing that you could revise to use a semi-colon or colon and make the revision.

Explain why the semi-colon or colon fits into your sentence and why you might choose to use it instead of alternative ways of constructing and punctuating the sentence.

Guided response (by Sunday):

Respond to one of your classmates, considering the following questions:

Is the semi-colon or colon used in accordance with this week’s Grammar Lab lessons?

Is the semi-colon or colon an effective choice in the writer’s sentence? Why or why not?

What alternatives would you suggest, if any?