Writing Homework Help

ASU Socrates World Addiction & Enjoyment Peaceful Worrier Film Reflection Discussion


Peaceful Warrior (2 hours. Click here to watch embedded link.) (Links to an external site.) Use Google Chrome!! Do not use Explorer or Mozilla Firefox

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This is a great movie and gives you lots to think about and reflect upon in regards to living a Mindful life. Click on the blue link above and watch the movie “Peaceful Warrior.” Takes notes and ponder these questions as you watch the movie. Write your thoughtful conclusions to these questions ( a few sentences each) and the following two short essay questions (a page each):

1.In Socrates’s world, what is important? (Meaningful? Meaningless?)
2.What is the value of a ‘quiet mind’? What is Socrates’s attitude toward the ‘human mind’?
3.What distinction does Socrates draw between an ‘addiction’ and an ‘enjoyment’?
4.What is the relationship between ‘brain’ and ‘mind’?
5.What does it mean for Dan to realize that his mind is ‘wild’? Why is that “the first realization of the warrior”?
6.How can Dan tame his mind?
7.When Dan shares his realization that “There are no ordinary moments,” what does he mean? What has he learned about time? About life?
8.What pressures does Dan experience on his social life as his awareness and disciplines progress?

Answer all or some of these questions:

Is it possible to transform one’s inner life without transforming one’s outer life? What, in your view, is a warrior? What is a peaceful warrior? What is the way of the peaceful warrior? How have Socrates’s remarks on the way of the peaceful warrior altered or expanded your perceptions? Are you a peaceful warrior? Why, or why not? In what sense are we all peaceful warriors in training?