Writing Homework Help

Austin Community College Russell Argument Against James Pragmatism Discussion


I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need support to help me learn.

I need to write about  (According to the pragmatist philosopher William James, we can be assured of the validity of our knowledge because it works. “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Why think our knowledge of, e.g., physics is good? Because our planes stay in the air. Why think that there’s an external world? Because it’s useful. Justification amounts to this—practical utility. Empiricist philosopher Bertrand Russell offers an argument against this position (discussed in lecture 6). Begin by rehearsing Russell’s argument against pragmatism. Is Russell’s argument sound? Has he disproved pragmatism? (A) If yes, consider and reply to a pragmatist critique of Russell’s argument. (b) If no, critique Russell’s argument and consider how he might reply to you.)