Writing Homework Help

MGF 2661 University of Technology Sydney Weeks 1 to 4 HR Outcomes for Employees Essay


Details of Task:

Your task is, with reference to human resource management (HRM) models, theories and

concepts covered in Weeks 1-4, is to write an essay that provides a critical response to the

following statement.

One of the key challenges faced by HRM in an uncertain environment is how to sustain

both the organisation and its employees. To do this HR must motivate, engage and look

after employees while at the same time ensuring the organisation gains and sustains

competitive advantage. With reference HRM theory, models and concepts explain how

organisations can create sustainable HR outcomes for employees and the organisation.

In preparing your essay response you MUST draw on and use material from the

compulsory readings from Weeks 1-4 (6 readings including the Week 1 RBV video) PLUS

four (4) extra relevant academic articles. If you wish, you can choose 2 of these articles from

the MGF 2661 reading list from weeks 5-12, however we want you to do some independent

research so please find and use two other academic articles from the academic databases

to support your response to the essay question.

The textbook is not counted as an academic reference. However, you may use the textbook

sparingly but please do not over-rely on the text.

The object of the task is to engage with the readings from Weeks 1-4 + some independent

research, hence we expect a minimum of 11 references (7 + 4) and if you use the textbook,

no more than 12 references in your reference list.

Presentation requirements

Your response should be structured as an argumentative essay that critically responds to

the statement and question using evidence from the readings. The essay must conform to

the academic conventions of essay writing. It should include in-text citation of the references used to write the essay and a correctly formatted reference list at the end of the

essay. Please format your document using 12pt font, 1.5 spacing and normal margins. Do

not forget to include a title sheet and to number your pages.

See the Monash Library for advice on how to think and write critically


See the Monash Library for advice on how to plan, structure and write an essay.

(https://www.monash.edu/rlo/research-writing-assign… assignment-types/writing-an


Submission requirements

Submit your essay as a Word document through the Moodle submission portal on or before

the due date. The submission portal has been set up with a link to Turnitin and your essay

will go through Turnitin on submission. If the similarity score is above 20% please check the

document for paraphrasing and referencing errors and resubmit the work. You can resubmit

the work to Turnitin multiple times but please note the similarity report take 24 hours after

3 submissions.

Penalties for late lodgement

A penalty of 10% of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each day

that the assessment is late. Students should note that a weekend is 2 days and will be

treated as such when penalties are calculated. After 10 days late assignments will be

accepted but will not be given a mark.


The C/E can grant extensions for 2-5 days. Longer extensions must be supported by an In

Semester Special Consideration.
