Writing Homework Help

Washington Construction of A Genetic Toggle Switch in Escherichia Coli Press Release


Press release assignment. First read the article through this link file:///C:/Users/hp/OneDrive/Desktop/Gardner_toggle_Nature2000.pdf  and then follow the format/guidelines shown in the picture below in order to finish it up as a word doc.

It is important to remember that your press release would be one of many on any given day (see EurekAlert!). What makes your study different? What makes it stand out?  PLoS Biology points out here that the press release should be interesting and emphasize these points, but must not exaggerate or sensationalize the article’s findings. This is critical, especially in the current news climate, where some audiences are growing skeptical of the scientific process. Scientists must take care to be realistic in their “publicity” and not over-sell their results, while at the same time emphasizing their importance. For examples check out EurekAlert!