Writing Homework Help

ITT 340 Estrella Mountain Community College Custom Payload Report


Metasploit comes with various preconfigured backdoors and payloads both for Windows and Linux Operating Systems. These backdoors can be used to exploit flaws discovered in the source code of a host. Metasploit also comes with an additional tool set that allows the security practitioner to create custom backdoors (payloads) to be delivered by Metasploit. These custom payloads can be used to evade Anti-Virus (AV) protection and established trust relationships between information systems.

Using GCU Approved Virtualization Solution and MSFVenom (MSFPayload + MSFEncode) available in Metasploit Frameworks, found in Kali Linux, create a custom payload and install that payload as a backdoor in an exploited host and establish a remote access connection verses a local login.

Document findings under Phase Testing in the “PEN Testing Report Guidelines,” located in the Course Materials. Refer to the SANS Institute industry-standard “Writing a Penetration Testing Report,” for examples of PEN Testing Reports.

  1. Append this assignment to the PEN testing report and resubmit the report (Passive Corporate Recon + Automating Information RECON + NMap Scan + Vulnerability Assessment + Applied Exploitation using Metasploit + Custom Payload).