Writing Homework Help

Rowan Cabarrus Community College Week 6 Internal Proposal Discussion


For this discussion activity, you will make a first attempt at defining the proposal as a distinct type of writing. First, you will read the model “Employee Fitness Proposal” that is shown in figures 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, and 12-5 in your textbook. You will draft at least one paragraph that responds to any of the following questions:

  • What kind of argument does it make? How does this reasoning compare to the reasoning one might see in other genres?
  • What sections and parts distinguish the proposal as a genre? What do these sections include? What seem to be their function?
  • What seem to be the values and expectations of the proposal’s audience? How do these values and expectations compare to those held by the audiences of other types of documents (i.e., research papers, emails, etc.)?
  • How would you describe the style of the proposal? How does the sentence structure, document layout, and writerly voice compare to what we see in other types of writing?

You’ll note that each question set relates to elements of our class’s theory of writing: reasoning, genre competency, reader engagement, and style. You do not have to respond to each question set, and whatever question set(s) you do respond to should be discussed in considerable depth. Consider providing excerpted passages, screen captures, or other direct evidence to support your answers.