Writing Homework Help

Business Management the Applied Project Policy Plan Proposal Paper


Compile the components of the Applied Project in a 4,500- to 4,950-word paper. Include your Weeks 3 through 5 assignments as well as:

  • A Cover sheet
  • A executive summary
  • An introduction
  • A problem statement from Week 3 Individual Assignment
  • A listing of alternatives from your Week 4 Individual Assignment
  • Recommendations from your Week 5 Individual Assignment

Develop a communication plan that will be used to convey your public policy project to key stakeholders. Ensure you:

  • Identify your public policy project’s objectives.
  • Address the project’s various audiences.
  • Convey the message to your audience in a persuasive manner.
  • Outline a short- and long-term plan to implement your public policy project.
  • Introduce your audience to an appropriate budget strategy and the reasons behind the budget.
  • Persuade decision-making executives that your public policy project will succeed