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California State University Workplace Bias and Gender Discrimination Discussion


In chapter five this week you will learn more about the concepts of gender, gender identity, gender expression, gender socialization, and androgyny using examples from U.S. culture. You will also evaluate the social expression of biological sex differences between men and women; summarize the different forms of sexual diversity and ambiguity; analyze the ways in which cultural context influences expressions of gender, evaluate the biological perspective, feminism, and the symbolic interactionist perspective; understand the socially constructed concept of “masculinity;” analyze the process of gender socialization through agents of socialization such as parents, peers, and school; illustrate the relationship between gender and social institutions such as religion, the economy, and education, and analyze the relationship between gender segregation and status of women and men.

For chapter six, our focus will be on analyzing the role of sexuality in creating self-identity, summarizing the basic patterns in sexual orientation and behavior, summarizing the scientific and ideological changes in attitudes toward sexual orientation, evaluating the role of evolution in human sexuality, characterizing the impact of modern society on sexual behavior, predicting the future of the sexual double standard, assessing trends and outcomes in teen sexual activity, synthesizing the role of sexual education and inequality in sexual health and considering the impact of biological research on the social discussion of sexuality.


Course Text: Chapter 5–Gender

Course Text: Chapter 6–Sexuality

Bensidoun, I. & Trancart, D. (2018). Career choices and the gender pay gap: The role of work preferences and attitudes. Population, 73(1), 35-60. Retrieved from http://www.journal-population.com/articles/2018-1-….Bensidoun and Trancart provide an in depth examination of possible variables that could explain wage differences between men and women. After reviewing these variables, the authors conclude that a large percentage of the wage gap remains unexplained.

This article is available via your access to CSUDH’s online library.

Waite, L. J., Iveniuk, J., Laumann, E. O., & McClintock, M. K. (2017). Sexuality in older couples: Individual and dyadic characteristics. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(2), 605-618. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-015-0651-9.These authors explore factors that contribute to sexual behavior in older couples. Important variables included the partner’s attribute of positivity, the quality of the relationship, and thinking and believing that sex was an important part of their relationship.

Available online through the CSUDH library


How does gender affect the workplace?


Sexuality between the genders
