Writing Homework Help

New York University Provider and Parental Determinants Questions


Provider and Parental Determinants Reading Guide

Weinstein P, Getz T, Ratener P, Domoto P. The effect of dentists’ behaviors on fear-related behaviors in children. J Am Dent Assoc. 1982

Summarize the review of literature on the etiology of dental fear

Summarize the review of literature regarding assumptions about the origin of child misbehavior

State the aim of this study

Write your own definition for each of the four categories in the coding scheme of dentists’ behavior

Write your own definition for each of the three categories in the coding scheme of child’s behavior

Make conclusions about the dentist behaviors that are most likely to reduce fear-related behaviors in children

Make conclusions about the dentist behaviors that are least likely to reduce fear-related behaviors in children

Weinstein P, Getz T, Ratener P, Domoto P. Dentists’ responses to fear- and nonfear-related behaviors in children. J Am Dent Assoc. 1982

Summarize the most common dentist behaviors (for each of the four categories) in response to fear-related behaviors in children

Make conclusions about more productive dentist behaviors in response to fear-related behaviors in children

Make conclusions about counter-productive dentist behaviors in response to fear-related behaviors in children

Law CS. The impact of changing parenting styles on the advancement of pediatric oral health. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2007

Define the four categories in Baumrind’s typology of parenting styles

Summarize the observations pediatric dentists have made about changes in parenting at the time this article was written

Summarize the shifts in parenting practices over the course of the 20th century

Summarize the influence of parental stress on parenting practices