Writing Homework Help

California State University Optimizing Stress Responses with Reappraisal Summary


I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Good health behavior starts with you! You are challenged in this
experiential activity to modify your own behavior in a health-enhancing
way. As you are learning, psychology research clearly shows the strong
relationship between behavior and health outcomes. As a result of this
experience, you will have a more complete empathic understanding of
those facing similar challenges due to immediate health conditions that
require life changes as well as those taking a proactive approach to
injury and illness prevention. As a result of this experience you might
also decide to continue with your self-modification, especially if you
experience some of the more immediate positive benefits to your

You will select a behavior to either decrease or increase in
frequency or amount. You will take a baseline of the behavior
(frequency, form, causes, and effects of behavior) and decide on a
program to modify the behavior. You may choose to give something up or
decrease the use of something like Facebook, Twitter, texting (except
for emergencies), all sweets, chocolate, soda, coffee, tea, iPod, TV,
computer games, staying up late, you get the idea. Or you may decide to
begin or increase a healthful activity. Examples include increasing or
starting a workout regimen, daily walking, eating more fruits and
vegetables, getting more sleep, increasing quality time with nature, or
volunteering at a local charity to name a few. Keep a daily journal and
record the following: thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In other words,
did you ever obsess about the object/activity or loath it? Were the
thoughts intrusive/disruptive? If you are giving up an object/activity,
how did you feel when others were engaged with/in the object/activity
and you did not? If you are starting or increasing an activity, what
were the responses of others around you? Did you feel supported? Did you
share your goals? Was there pressure by others to give in or give up?
Did you ever temporarily give in or give up? What thoughts and emotions
emerged if you did? How did you rationalize the giving in or giving up
if it did occur?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Consult your physician if your chosen behavior to modify could impact your health or medications you are taking.

2. On each of the article Answer these 4 Questions.

1). Problem to be addressed

2). Overall Findings

3). Conclusions

4). Limitations