Writing Homework Help

Fracking as an Oil and Petroleum Recovery Method Essay



  1. Thoroughly read the feedback you received for your essay outline.
  2. Revise your outline as needed. (Note: You do not need to resubmit the outline. Revising your outline will help you write your essay.)
  3. Develop an effective 3-4 page (750-1000 words) Argument Research Essay on fracking or offshore drilling using your revised outline.
  4. Include a strong introduction (Links to an external site.) for your essay as well as a strong conclusion (Links to an external site.).
  5. Make sure your essay is in MLA format (Links to an external site.) and uses proper in-text citations (Links to an external site.)
  6. Include proper source citations listed in a separate Works Cited (Links to an external site.) after the 3-4 pages of text.
  7. Submit the first draft of your Argument Research Essay as a file upload to Canvas. (You do not need to go to the Turnitin website for this assignment.)