Writing Homework Help

SU Racial Inequality Research Paper


These 1-2 page, typed, double-spaced. These will apply a critical turn or certain key concepts from our readings to a contemporary news article (see Applications below, under readings). Do not attempt to summarize the whole of a reading in your application paper. A targeted, particular analysis is sought, where one demonstrates whether or how a reading adds some depth to the news article or the news article supports the class reading.
So, the application paper is a paper where you select an idea, critical take, concept, etc. that you find of interest to our reading and show how it is relevant to contemporary social issues (via a news article/discussion – cases or examples are given in links after the readings to consider – you can use what is selected, or reference a news article that you select). The key is you show how an aspect of our reading (even if you are critical of it) proved revealing/insightful when grappling with current events. In the application papers we are testing the value/worth of certain theories or conceptual thinking.