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Walden University Policy Evaluation Discussion


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Just like in policy making, nurses also play an important role in policy review/evaluation by advocating better health policy. Policy Analysis is choosing the most effective, efficient, and feasible policy by identifying potential options and comparing them with other policy and choosing the best policy option for the situation. (Center of Disease Control and prevention [CDC], 2021).

One way of participating in the policy review for nurses is by being a part of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) committees at their work. EBP is providing effective care for patients using the best available evidence for decision making and systematic implementation of EBP can result in healthcare safety and improve patient outcomes and satisfaction (National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI], n.d. Certain benefits of using EBP for nurses and patients are improved patient outcome and satisfaction, cost reduction and improved nursing skills. Using the EBP a nurse can contact the legislature and provide them information to better a policy. I would advocate for all nurses to be a part of the EBP committee as they are the front-line workers who work directly with the patients, and they will be able to provide important input in improving the policy.

Another way of participating in policy review for nurses is by joining nursing organizations like American Nurses Association (ANA). “ANA policy influences comments that are submitted to the federal government, reflecting ANA’s opinion on how proposed federal rules, regulations, policies or guidance affect nurses and patients” (ANA, n.d, para 4). In ANA, the nurses apply their knowledge, experience, and political knowledge in developing critical analysis that serves as a guide for the organization in its internal policy decisions and the external policy world.

Some challenge that this opportunity may bring is lack of resources and reliable databases and other members having different opinion about one policy. By joining a professional organization, a nurse can get a lot of resources for policy review and by collecting enough information through EBP one can support the policy and contact the legislation with a solid proposal. Also, social media is a good platform to discuss and understand other’s opinion and you can encourage other nurses to participate in policy review by getting membership in organizations like ANA.