Writing Homework Help

Grossmont Cuyamaca College Mod 14 History of Western Civilization Discussion


Module 14.2 | Discussion Post

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Be sure to read chapters 11 before you do this assignment.

Option A: The Vikings (Links to an external site.) were more than marauders, although they did rape, pillage, and plunder parts of Europe and strike fear into the hearts of many. Discuss Viking cultur (Links to an external site.)e (you may choose to discuss any/all: religion (Links to an external site.), war (Links to an external site.), economy, women (Links to an external site.), life styles). Why did the Vikings move from their homes, how did they do so and why were they so successful, and what occurred as a result in a few specific areas (you may choose from England, France, the Byzantine world, Ireland, Greenland, or Russia). You do not need to respond to anyone unless you want.

(Links to an external site.)

Option B: Discuss the era of Charlemagne, being sure to indicate who he was, why he was important, and the cultural developments he sponsored.

Option C: Describe the political and economic transformation of Western Europe after the decline of Rome. How did the organization of Medieval European societies differ from that of Rome at its height?