Writing Homework Help

University of Edinburgh Personal Essay


  • I am a student at ACA
    •i am class representative and a part of the student council
    • i like architecture
    • in my free time i like to sketch, especially during quarantine I became more into drawing and sketching because i had so much free time.
    • i volunteered in an engineering consultancy that i will be linking.
    • i volunteered in a law firm.
    • One of my hobbies is that i like to cook and bake.
    • the reason i want to be an architect is because in my country we are known for amazing malls and houses, and i always like to admire them, and dream of designing my own one day.
    • I enjoy designing things either fashion or even areas, I designed our garden and also i once designed my mom a dress “i will include it in my portfolio”
    •I want to study in the uk because, I’m used to it there and we visit it almost every holdiday or vacation, the weather, my family owns a house there in elephant and castle, because it’s not so far from my country so my family can visit me often if i had the privilege to study there.
    • If i finished I am planing to continue and take my masters then hopefully open my own company and design houses, then hopefully malls, and so on..
    • I feel that i’m best for this course because i can take responsibility and I think that I manage my time wisely. I have a goal in mind that i’m aiming to achive which is to make my parents proud because they fought a lot for me and i feel that it’s time to give back part of what they worked hard for. I am the oldest child and the only girl.